Ok so now I'm FINALLY BACK ON LINE!!!! Yay!! A whole week with no computer was not too bad actually, the problem was that I was going to try to start doing this whole blog thing with my reading but um that's kind of hard to do when your desktop starts going HAYWIRE! So here I be on my laptop a week later.....luckily all of my files were saved and I'm a happy and thankful camper for that. I can't imagine how much it would really really really suck to lose all of my data. Pics, music and just EVERYTHING!
Anywho I think what I'm going to do is a complete recap of this past year just to get the blog up-to-date. So since I'm at the 50 book mark...ha ha get it book mark...uh yeah anyways I've read 50 books so far this year and I'm looking to chronicle that here. That is why there will be numerous posts for on the same date, but I'll make note of when I read the book and how long in days it took to read it.
I think this will be an interesting project and I've been anxious to start something just to give myself a goal!! In addition to the reading goal, which at 50 puts me half way there. It is September now so that gives me yikes three more months....so maybe I won't read the 100 books I'd like to reach I like the challenge either way! I say BRING IT ON!
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