Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood

Read April 10-14, 2011
read in 4 days
pages: 269

Okay sure so I was able to figure out how this was going to end before I got there, but that did not (surprisingly) change my opinion of the book. I still really enjoyed the story and the characters. I would in a way compare this somewhat to a Nicholas Sparks novel, but then in a way I wouldn't. Nicholas Sparks does not always give a happy ending. Ben Sherwood at least in this novel does. This novel however does give you the happy ending. Charlie will save the day; Tess will somehow magically survive her horrendous accident. This is in no way reality, which I tend to prefer when dealing with stories that could be remote possibilities, and its a real stretch but I can accept the ending because I liked the characters enough to do so.

I did watch the movie version and was a bit disappointed in the changes that were made simply because with the changes it tells a slightly different story. I liked the movie for one reason at least, which made it totally watchable.....and I was able to accept the changes at least while watching Zac = )

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