Sunday, April 14, 2013

After by Amy Efaw

Read: April 3-14, 2013
read in: 12 days
pages: 350


I don't remember why I wanted to pick up this book. I knew nothing about it, but something about the cover and title made me pick it up. After reading the blurb on the back of the book I was a bit curious as to what exactly happened to this teen to cause her life to be turned completely upside down.

The book is a heart wrenching tale of a teen who makes a decision that changes her entire life. She will never be the same. A decision made after months of denial alters the course her life was on forever. The story slowly unfolds for the reader as snippets of That Night slowly come back to Devon. Given the subject matter I think the novel is written very well. I think the perspective is perfect at capturing what Devon was thinking and feeling not only in her present situation but also in the months leading to the present. This took longer to read than I had expected. Once I get started on a book and  actually like the book I read pretty quickly. But with this one I found times where I just had to put the book down and walk away. It was an emotional ride for the reader as you follow in Devon's footsteps physically and mentally as she prepares for what her future may hold.

The book does not provide an cookie cutter ending to Devon's story, but does paint the picture of just one girls story, a story that is happening to many other girls even as I type, and attempts to get into the mindset of how someone can deny the truth for so long and actually make a decision even they themselves can not come to grips with. A decision even they never thought they were capable of making.

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