Friday, February 10, 2012

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carol

Read: February 2-4, 2012
read in three days
pages: 96

Eh, well I can at least say I've read it once. I want to say I liked it, but honestly I didn't care all that much for it. There is too much that is just disjointed. I read someone else's review who mentioned they felt that each chapter could be little stand alone stories in a way, and I would agree with that. Spastic little stories that make no sense, but little stories nonetheless. I finished it just thinking there might be some sense in the end. Turned out there was none. Pretty flat characters, and Alice really is annoying with her back and forth thinking. Ugh! Make a decision already. I thought this would be a great jumping off point to read Hatter by Daniel Coleman. I still look forward to Hatter, despite not having enjoyed Alice all that much. I will be also checking out the Alice in Wonderland movie with Johnny Depp. I'm sure it should at least be entertaining. I've not seen too many Johnny Depp movies that I didn't care for.

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