Read: September 25, 2011-October 7,2011
read in 13 days
pages: 472
This book took my entirely too long to read. Which was in part my fault that I didn't have much time over the last week, and I wasn't really into my reading mode as I have been. No shocker I read nearly non-stop for a while I was bound to hit a breaking point eventually. The other part of the fault I have to give to the book. I hate saying that about a book, but sometimes it really can not be helped.
What I liked about the book for starters was the fact that there was the historical fiction aspect. I'm attracted to them and that portion of the book had my attention. I won't say everything was completely accurate because I honestly don't know. I am not a history buff by any means, although I do enjoy a bit of history now and then, but this did spark my interest in the French Revolution. It did take a while to get to this part of the book, and I was glad when it did because that helped me want to finish it.
There were a couple things I didn't care for, one was well the main character Andi. She is just annoying. I never felt any connection to her. She is a teenager and quite honestly a very disturbed and depressed one. Part of her characteristic is that she shuts down and pushes people away, but to keep the reader at a distance too makes it hard for the reader to want to see the story continue and wonder what is going to happen to the character. There were frequent mentions of her brother and the fact that he died very young. This is a reason for her being as screwed up as she is and why her family is broken, but we never find out exactly what happened or how he died until I believe it was the last 100-50 pages. I'd rather have found out sooner. Maybe the writer was using this bit of information as a draw to keep the reader reading, but for me it was irritating.
Would I recommend it? Nah not really. I've read good things about her book A Northern Light, and actually am starting it tonight to see if maybe it is as good as it is billed. Who knows, it may be much better.
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