Hey everybody!
I have a special treat for you! Today's post is an interview with author Jenna Elizabeth Johnson author of Oescienne Trilogy. If you are thinking that the name sounds a bit familiar....well you would be correct! Just last week I reviewed the first book in her newest Otherworld Trilogy Faelorehn. I want to thank Jenna for taking the time to answer a few questions about her new series and what inspired her to write the series.
What initially inspired you to begin writing Faelorehn?
A few things. I’ve been seriously writing for about seven years now and in the past year or so the idea for a YA urban fantasy centered on Celtic myth began to formulate. I knew I wanted to write a story that would help bring the otherworld of the Celts to life, but not until I read Amanda Hocking’s Switched did I finally get going with it. Switched felt very similar to what I had in mind, yet instead of writing a story where the premise was based on changelings and trolls (something more from Norse myth), I wanted create a series centered on the Celtic gods and goddesses and their world.
When you began writing did you know it would be a trilogy?
Yes, I purposely planned the series to be a trilogy. I think I might have even had all the cover art ready before I was halfway done with Faelorehn. The other two books will be titled Dolmarehn and Luathara.
The Celtic mythology you wove into the story was very interesting. Can you tell me about your personal interest in the area and how that became the base of your novel?
I discovered Celtic mythology while in college. I attended a career fair one day and there happened to be a table with information on the Celtic Studies program. I had always had some interest in Irish culture and history, so I signed up for a few classes to try it out. I was hooked ever since. Why did I decide to make it the premise of my series? I think the main reasons were first, I wanted to share my appreciation of all things Celtic with others and secondly, not much is known about this mythology. In grade school and high school we learn about the Greek and Roman pantheon, but nothing is taught about the ancient Celtic people and their beliefs.
Were any of the characters in Faelorehn inspired by anyone you know in real life or can you see people you know in any of the characters?
Good question. I would say that some of Meghan’s friends are based off of my own friends from high school, but don’t necessarily reflect exactly who those people were then. I’ve also taken inspiration from people around me. I work full time at a school and I’m sure I’ve gleaned personality traits from the kids there to help me weave my characters together into plausible people. I can say that the two popular kids who bother Meghan the most are directly based on people who harassed me while in high school. I’ve changed their names of course, but there’s nothing like real-life experiences to help build realistic characters ;).
About how long would you say it took you to write the novel?
Faelorehn didn’t take me nearly as long as it took me to write my very first novel. I’d say it took about a month or two to finally get it complete. The way I write is very sporadic: I can’t just sit and write every day for a set period of time. A section of the plot might come to me and I’ll sit and write until I’ve got it all down, and then I might not be able to think of anything to add and a week or two will go by until I get another flood of inspiration. It all depends on what my Muse is up to. If the story is there, it doesn’t take me very long to write it at all, but if it isn’t there, it might take me months to get it out.
I love the character Cade! While he plays an important role in Meghan's learning who she is the reader does not learn a lot about him. Will we be learning more about him later in the series?
Oh goodness yes, you will be learning a lot more about him, especially in the second book. He has his reasons for being secretive, and that will all be revealed in Dolmarehn ;). If anyone is knowledgeable in the Celtic myth department, they might already have some suspicions about him . . . but alas, I shall not reveal anything more.
Do you know where the Otherworld Trilogy is going in terms of plot or is it a work in progress?
The good news is I’ve already written the second book, but I’m waiting to complete Luathara before releasing Dolmarehn (plus, Dolmarehn needs LOTS of editing). I have a broad idea of where the series is going. I’ve got the basic structure you might say, but just the other night I thought up a new plot development that may or may not influence the final outcome. We shall see where it ends up ;).
I recall reading on your blog and in the blurb at the end of Faelorehn's ebook that you are an artist as well as being an author. You sound like a naturally creative spirit. Can you imagine doing anything other than being an author or artist?
This is a fun question! Hmmmm, well, like I mentioned above, I work full time at an elementary school which actually gives me the opportunity to use my art degree and writing skills quite often. Could I do something else? I guess I could, but I would always have to keep writing and it would have to involve the creative process. The good thing about being creative is that you can use that creativity over a broad spectrum, but writing (or perhaps I should say story telling) is my heart and soul, to be sure. When I picked up writing I was just finishing up college and I told myself that it was all great and wonderful that I had these stories flitting around in my head, but what good were they if I didn’t write them down and share them with others? I’ve been addicted to writing ever since. Also, I’ve always had this fun idea of opening up a tea house/bakery/book store type place where my friends and I would serve a variety of teas and treats to people who wanted to just sit down and chat about the things that interested all of us. It would be even better if it turned into the local hang out for aspiring authors ;).
Are you currently working on the Otherworld Trilogy or are you working on other projects at this time?
I am always working on something, but yes, I’m actively working on book three of the Otherworld Trilogy, Luathara. I also want to finish the fourth book in another series of mine, The Legend of Oescienne, and I have ideas for more books dealing with the Otherworld that would focus on at least three of the minor characters from Faelorehn, Dolmarehn and Luathara. I have a whole file full of book ideas ranging from children’s picture books to middle-grade adventure all the way up to adult fantasy novels. Some are just a few sentences worth of an idea that came to me, some are nearly halfway written. When I have a yearning to work on one of them, all I have to do is open up the file and add to it. One day I’ll have them all complete :).
I just want to say a quick thank you to Amanda for giving me this opportunity to talk a little bit about my books and my work as an author. I really appreciate your taking the time to read Faelorehn and coming up with this great interview for me. If you have any more questions for me or if you just want to drop by and say hello, feel free to visit my website/blog: www.jennaelizabethjohnson.com
All the best and happy reading!
-J.E. Johnson
Thanks again to Jenna for the interview! And readers don't forget to pick up your own copy of Jenna's latest novel Faelorehn!
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